Eliza Stamps
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Life is a beautiful mess, chaotic and lovely. As we forge our way through space and time, moving in and out of regular patterns, experiences are layered with moments of tumult and tranquility.
This body of work is a meditation on the evocative quality of line. I am interested in how much information and emotion can be communicated in my drawings, devoid of color or representation. I have a single parameter: one line, followed continuously until the composition is complete.
I work slowly and methodically, building tiny narratives as the line winds its way across the page. Each loop is scrutinized while I work to understand the larger picture I am creating. The push and pull of darkness and light, emptiness and fecundity vacillates, constantly presenting new problems to be solved.
I have long-winded treatises on sociologic and philosophical principles the underlay this work but the truth is, I don’t believe this is important. I would like the viewer to have their own discoveries, unfettered by grandiose explanations that may or may not be evident. Instead, I want to make bold assertions with a single chord that evoke ideas that I could never imagine.
Eliza Stamps is a visual artist based in Brooklyn, NY. Her artistic practice ranges from drawing to performance, all with an interest in facilitating introspection and discovery for the viewer. She has exhibited and performed both nationally and internationally, including Von Lintel Gallery and Tiger Strikes Asteroid in New York, The Wand in Berlin, Germany and the 1961 in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Residencies include Vermont Studio Center, chaNorth, and the Philadelphia Art Hotel. She is about to begin as Artist-in-Residence at EpiBone, a biotechnology company based in Brooklyn.